Mask On... or Off?


It is no secret that facial coverings have been on everyone’s mind (and faces) for some time now. Due to COVID-19, mandates have been set in place all around the United States to wear face masks in order to reduce the interactions of particles being spread through sneezing, coughing and so on. I understand the logic behind why these mandates are being put into place throughout the states. However, what I don’t understand is why we are still being forced to wear them even though people who do wear masks religiously are still contracting COVID-19. 

My most recent encounter with COVID-19 occurred just a few weeks ago when my roommate ended up testing positive for the virus. Out of both my roommates, I wear a mask the least. My roommate, who tested positive, wears one the most. I find this odd that she was the one to test positive if she is the one who is wearing her mask the most when out in public. This makes me believe that these face masks are clearly not as effective as the media wants to portray they are.

I won’t lie, I really do not enjoy them. I get very grumpy every time I have to put one on. I don’t like breathing in the hot air, let alone all of the germs and bacteria that I exhale each breath I take. There have been different studies that have shown that breathing in your own carbon dioxide and bacteria causes other health problems. Oddly enough, these other health issues display some of the same symptoms that COVID-19 does. I personally don’t feel well when I wear my mask for a longer period of time. I get headaches and sometimes feel nauseous and or lightheaded. 

Let’s talk about maskne for a hot second. Maskne, or mask acne, has become a thing. Pimples are showing up on people’s faces because of the bacteria they are exhaling and having nowhere to go other than to just sit on their skin. I know my complexion has taken a hit ever since I started having to wear a mask to class and so on. I have been fortunate for most of my life to not have ever really had to deal with acne, but now as a 21-year-old, I deal with it on the daily. You can see the spots on my face where my mask line sits because it is lined in acne. I try to cleanse my face every time I get home and have been wearing a mask for a period of time, but it hasn’t really helped. 

In my opinion, and this is strictly my opinion, I don’t think everyone should have to wear one. I believe that this is a virus strand that is new to us (since coronaviruses have been present for a long time now) and it is taking lives left and right. I agree that some precautions need to be made in order to hopefully try to reduce the number of deaths. However, if we try to keep our immune systems from inhaling all outside germs, we are doing our immune system a disservice. This is going to weaken our immune systems and then we won’t be able to fight off as much harmful bacteria when the time comes. I think if you wish to wear a mask and are more comfortable wearing one, by all means wear them. However, if you don’t wish to wear one, then you should not be forced to. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


  1. I totally agree that some precautions need to be made in order to protect those at risk. I also think that masks can be a pain at times and there are some with health conditions they can’t wear them, so I don’t think they should be totally mandatory.


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