Five Reasons Why Fall is the Best Season

            Fall is my absolute favorite season of them all! It is not too hot and not too cold. It is just perfect. There are so many fun aspects of fall that people wait all year long to do. I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that they can’t wait for fall to be over. No one gripes and groans over fall coming around. If anything, they are upset when it ends, but only for a little while because Christmas is just right around the corner. I think there are five reasons why fall is the best season there is.

1.     All the Beautiful Colors

All the colors of fall are so vibrant and so easily catch the eye. The reds, oranges, yellows, purples, and so on just make you feel all warm and cozy on the inside. It is so beautiful to watch the leaves change to these fall colors. They light up the bright, blue sky that is so crisp and clear during fall. There are also the pumpkins, gourds, corn, and more that are harvested in the fall. They decorate everything so nicely.

2.     Fall is Also Autumn

Fall is also called autumn and it is the only season that can be called two different things. If the greatest season of them all doesn’t have two names that it goes by, is it even the greatest season of them all? Autumn is such a pretty name for a season, too.


This might possibly be my most favorite thing about fall. I could drink pumpkin spice lattes, hot or cold, every single day. Since the technical first day of fall, I have had at least one pumpkin spice latte a day. I also heard on the radio this morning that it is now acceptable to start using and consuming everything pumpkin spice. I think that it is only really acceptable to drink pumpkin spice anything during fall, and that is why fall is the best season ever. If you have never tried anything pumpkin spice, shame on you.

4.     Football Season

Everyone loves good old-fashioned football. College football, professional football, and just simple backyard football. It brings everyone together to support their favorite teams, eat some good food, and have a lot of fun in general. If you don’t love football season, are you even American?

5.     Weather Gets Cooler, Clothes Get Cuter

This might be just a positive for most girls, but fall is the time to break out all the cute sweaters, blanket scarves, and the adorable booties. Do not forget that it also becomes oversized sweatshirt season. Nothing is better than wearing hoodies three sizes too big, putting your hair up in an easy and quick messy bun, and wearing fuzzy socks to keep all the warm feelings trapped inside your body. You somehow get to look cute while dressing like a bum in the fall.



  1. Don't get me wrong, fall is a great season. It's beautiful, the food is great and there are tons of fall activities to do, but summer is my jam. Nothing beats sunshine and time on the water, and I'll choose a sundress over a blanket scarf any day. Although summer is my favorite, fall is a close second!

  2. I agree with Hannah above; although, Fall is a great time and I love it, summer will always be my favorite. I do love all the fall activities though, like campfires, football games, haunted houses, and of course Halloween. I'm not much of a pumkin spice fan, but I do like a cup of caramel coffee on a chilly fall day.

  3. I totally agree with you! I love fall so much. It is my favorite season as well. Everything you said up there I could relate with. Especially when you talked about the clothes getting cuter. I love nothing more than wear long boots and scarf a fall day. The only thing I don't agree with in the pumpkin spice part. I have never really liked it but I know TONS of people do.


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