Body Parts That Don't Make Sense
Let’s talk about body parts that we have that make no sense. Do you ever think about how there are certain parts of your body that aren’t necessarily important for us to have to live. Why is that? Usually, too, these body parts cause more harm than good to us. Why do we have these extra body parts that four out of five times need removed for whatever reason because they are harming our body? I personally don’t understand it. I am wondering if I am the only one, but I highly doubt it.
For example, wisdom teeth are one of the biggest contenders. Most everyone has to have their wisdom teeth extracted at some point in their lifetime. This past December, I had to have mine removed. My dentist had told me to have them removed before my freshman year of college, but I hadn’t had any issues with them so I decided to wait. I finally started feeling some pain from them and had to schedule an appointment to remove them. But why do we even have them in the first place? They serve no real purpose. They are just stuck in our mouths. Then, once they grow, they begin pushing around our good, straight teeth just for the fun of it. What I also find ridiculous is the fact that not everyone has the same amount of wisdom teeth in their mouth. I only had three and originally, my dentist said that I only needed the bottom two out. However, my top one finally grew large enough to begin to cause problems, so I had to have all three removed. I did not enjoy recovering from my surgery and I found the whole experience to be ridiculous.
Tonsils are the next thing on my hit list. Why must we have tonsils? They don’t really do anything. They just chill in the back of our throats and cause problems. Tonsils probably anger me the most because I am very susceptible to getting strep throat. I usually get strep throat at least once a year if not twice or more. I hate getting strep throat. I would honestly rather have the flu and throw up for 24 hours. Even though strep affects the throat and tonsil area, it affects so many other parts of the body. I usually get headaches, body aches, a fever and so on. I find this absolutely stupid. And the fact that tonsils are the reason you get the bacteria that causes strep throat stuck in them and on them makes me angry. I don’t want to have to have my tonsils removed just so I can quit getting this virus. Even if you get your tonsils removed, this doesn’t mean you will never get strep throat again. If it had a 100% success rate of not contracting the virus again, I would. But, until then I refuse to get my tonsils removed. I don’t handle pain well which is why I have only ever had my wisdom teeth out when it finally became absolutely necessary.
These are only just a few examples of random body parts that cause issues, but these are the two biggest ones that I have personally had issues with. I know there are more and I honestly just want to know why we are born with these different body parts if all they are going to do is cause us issues. Clearly, there is no real answer to this question, but maybe someday science can provide us with one.
Tonsils will forever confuse me, I have no idea why we have them or what purpose they can possibly serve. The only thing they are good for are to cause us pain and problems.