Five Ways to Stay Focused Towards the End of the Semester

It is now getting down to crunch time ladies and gentlemen. The end of the semester is quickly approaching, and projects, exams, and papers are seeming to pile up faster than a stack of pancakes at IHOP. Personally, I know that I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with how much actual work for school I have left to do and other activities I have and need to get accomplished. It seems like every day that I wake up, it feels like it is Monday again and a new week has begun. This time is critical for us. It is make it or break it time. I have come up with a list of five things that should help us all stay focused on our tasks until the end of the semester.

1.     Take Much Needed Breaks

Taking a break is not a bad thing. Our brains are not meant to function and focus on one thing for so long. It is easier to lose track of where you are at and begin to wonder off. It is helpful, though, that if you have spent a lot of time on your laptop typing away, a better break for you to take would be to go for a walk or make yourself a snack. If you continue to stare at your computer screen, such as watch YouTube for ten to fifteen minutes, it makes it harder for you to get back to your work on your laptop. Your eyes and mind need a break from the light coming off of the screen.

2.     Find a Quiet Space

Getting work done is so much easier if you have a quiet place to focus. If you go somewhere with a lot of loud people and lots of activity, it is easier to get distracted from your work. If you are one of those people who like to be surrounded with or work better with sound, pick out some music to play. That way, it is not just you and your thoughts all alone in a quiet room. There is some background noise to make things more comfortable. However, you should try to listen to something without words in it, such as classical music. If you are trying to read something and you listen to a headbanging song with screaming in it, it is going to be harder for you to try to comprehend what you just tried to read.

3.     Make a Plan or Schedule

For me, this is a must. I am such a to-do list person. I need a schedule to stick to, or else I have a hard time remembering all of the things that I am supposed to get done. With that being said, grab all of the information you have on what you need to get done and plan it out on a calendar. Make sure you have enough time on the days you need to get things accomplished. Do not spread yourself too thin. Try to even out the work. This way, you know what you need to get done on what days at what times and you can plan other extracurricular activities around what is necessary for you to get done.

4.     Eat Well and Get Some Rest

This can be hard for us college students as things tend to get more hectic. It is easier to grab some McDonald’s and head to the library at eleven at night. Our bodies require fuel and energy, and we need to give it what it needs. Make sure you try to get at least seven hours of sleep at night (even though eight or more is recommended). Make sure you are getting balanced meals (or somewhat balanced meals). Fruits, vegetables, meats, and proteins are key. Exercise is also good. Keep yourself moving. It will help to give you a little boost.

5.     Stay Positive

A positive attitude is the best medicine. If you have a positive mindset while writing a paper or going into an exam, you will have a better chance of powering through it and getting a better grade on it in the end. Positivity is also contagious (in a good way). So, by being positive yourself, you can positively impact the next person and they could impact the next person and so on. Do yourself a favor and be positive!

            I hope these tips helped some of and inspired you to finish strong this semester. Let’s go out with a bang!


  1. As a freshman, I find these tips extremely helpful. I am starting to stress as finals keep inching closer and closer and anxiety keeps building. I will definitely keep these 5 tips in mind and use them because it seems you know what you are talking about. Thank you!!

  2. I actually wrote about how the semester is going so far as well. It seems like it is that time of the semester where all the dead lines are coming up. I know personally I am falling behind and really hope that time slows down. Though I completely agree with these tips and should probably start implementing them in my own life.

  3. I completely agree with these points. Blue light from screens is also bad for the health. But now, we cannot study without using digital devices... I think the key is how to manage times. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I agree with all of this! Sometimes the end of the semester get very stressful and trying to find the best way for you to relax while balancing academics. Dead week can be just as stressful as finals week. But starting with time management is a big key.

  5. These are some great tips! I really need to try to focus in for the rest of semester. I honestly will probably use these tips when it comes to finals week


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