Good, Bad, and Mediocre

          Throughout the semester in my class about social media, we read three books covering similar topics about how to measure different things on social media that would be beneficial to companies trying to reach an audience. I had different opinions of all three books and the ratings I would give them are: “The Art of Social Media”- mediocre, “Social Media Marketing”- good, and “Measure What Matters”- bad.

            I think that “Social Media Marketing” ended up being my favorite book we read because it was very relatable and easy to grasp the information that the author was trying to get across to the audience. The chapters talked about all of the different platforms on social media, which was another thing that I really liked about this book.

            I considered “The Art of Social Media” to be mediocre because I felt like all of the information was okay, but some of it seemed irrelevant. One of the best things about this book is the length. It was really short, so that made it easier to read and didn’t feel like a hassle cracking it open and reading three chapters in one sitting.

            “Measure What Matters” was my absolute least favorite and I will never want to or plan to read it again. The book was so repetitive. It felt like every chapter just focused on the same main things, and occasionally there would be a twist to it. It was long and rather boring, and I don’t think I would ever recommend it to anyone. Maybe if the author wrote it again and it only included three chapters I would consider it again. The information was not bad, it was just that it was the same information for fourteen straight chapters.


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