Seasons Change

Let’s talk about seasons. I love when the seasons change. I really think that I would never be able to live somewhere where there wasn’t a change from season to season. Maybe it’s just me, but I live for the seasons changing. I get so excited when the change from one season to another begins to happen. For example, this past week the weather finally cooled down and has been absolutely beautiful. I am very much an outdoors person and I love the smell of fresh, fall air. This whole week, my roommates and I shut our air off and have had our windows open. It has been so nice. Plus, our house always smells like the crisp, autumn air. Not to mention, when it gets cooler at night, I get to use twice the amount of blankets to wrap up in than I usually do and I am obsessed with it.

Fall is probably the season I get the most excited about when it comes around. I love the cooler weather and watching all of the leaves on the trees change colors. I love seeing all of the pumpkins and mums come out. I have always said that if I ever get married, I want a fall wedding. Everything is so perfect about fall. Plus, fall brings football. I love football with my whole heart. One of my most favorite things about fall, though, is the scents. I love fall scents like pumpkin, caramel, apple and so on. These smells immediately boost my serotonin levels. 

Winter is a close second. I really like winter because it brings the holidays and I am a sucker for all things Christmas. I really do love the snow, despite how most other people feel about it. However, I am only usually a fan of winter if there is snow. When it gets to the point where there is no more snow and it is just cold and windy, then I am over it. But in the meantime, give me all of the gingerbread cookies and Hallmark Christmas movies.

I really like summer because not only do I get a break from school, but summer is the time to swim and get tan. I love swimming probably because I grew up at a lake and swimming was always my go to summer activity. Now that I am older, summer consists of less swimming and more sitting out and getting my tan on. Summer is great because every day is warm and the sun is out longer during the day. I love the sunsets in the summer. Back home, I live in the middle of a woods surrounded by cornfields and the sunsets are beautiful (even comparable to the sunsets here in Ada). Sunsets accompanied by late night bonfires are music to my ears.

Spring is probably my least favorite season. Springtime brings allergies and I hate allergies. One of the best things about spring (maybe even the only good thing about spring) is that it is beginning to warm up and there are no bugs yet. Summer always brings the bugs out of hibernation, but for a brief period in the spring, it is warm out and there aren’t really any bugs. I hate bugs more than I hate allergies. But, at least in the spring it is no longer freezing cold and it isn’t blazing hot yet like in the summertime.


  1. I agree with you about fall. Fall is probably my favorite season as well. I love football and bonfires. But I hate winter. I feel like I am always cold and I just want to be outside. I get eaten alive by bugs so summer is just okay, but for me, spring and fall are my two favorites!

  2. I agree with you on spring, everybody’s allergies are horrible and where we live it’s right in the middle of it warming up and still being cold.


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